Please let us know ASAP if you would like to drive your own car to Denver. If you are not driving your own car you are OK with us getting you to Denver. We are working on what transportation for the group to the Denver airport and back will be. On the Team tab at the top please mark RIDING WITH GROUP or TAKING OWN CAR. Thanks!
Not So Boring Bible
3 years ago
Added a Team tab at the top with team member info and travel plans.
Chris May
3 years ago
Will be able to, and coming to the meeting tonight at Grace Church @ 6pm
3 years ago
Me messing around, I like legos. Let me know if you think of a good use for these. I can make more.
Not So Boring Bible
3 years ago
2nd team meeting next Saturday, March 12 at Grace Church from 6-8pm! We’ll cover what to pack and bring, travel logistics, fundraising, and it will be great to share a meal together and get to know each other more.
3 years ago
We couldn’t get our kids on camera so we did a dog voice over and sent it out to family. 😂 Hey fam,
We are going on a mission trip in April to build some homes for families in need in Mexico. We are doing some fundraising. If you would like to donate, we would appreciate it. We are going with a group of about 60, of all ages. You can donate online here – or Venmo @notsoboringbible
I bought a bunch of these nails because I thought they looked cool and we could use them as some sort of money maker for fundraising, but I don’t know what exactly. Anyone have any good ideas?
I’m really excited for the people that haven’t experienced something like this to come back the way I did after it last year. Such a great group and team down there with Homes of Hope and YWAM!
Also, they said not to expect it and it doesn’t happen every house build, but last year the family we were building a house for made us lunch and it was sooo good and nice. Excited for real Mexican food!
The thing I’m going to like about it is I’m going to build a house for the very first time.
3 years ago
Bake sale at Crossroads Church on Sunday, March 13! Spread the word to any and all bakers. Who’s willing to make something? We need lots of goodies! 👨🍳 👩🍳
3 years ago
A lot of people have asked how much it actually costs per person. So if you are flying with the group it is $1,407/person and $1,017/person if you are meeting us there. You aren’t required to pay this amount, but I understand some of you would rather pay to cover your share and not fundraise. If you can’t or don’t want to pay that amount, no problem, it’s a group effort to fundraise and asking is the first step! God will provide, so I don’t want cost to be something that is daunting to you. Let us know if we can help during this individual fundraising time in February (sending letters, emails, social media) and we’ll have some group events to help raise money in March. Every bit helps!
A video Avery made to send out to friends and family. She’s so cute, how could they NOT donate??
We sent it along with this email:
Dear Friends and Family,
Jeff, Avery and I are joining a Mission Trip to Tijuana, Mexico to build TWO homes in TWO days for TWO families.
Here is a message from Avery, because if anyone is going to convince you to give a little to this cause, it’s going to be her (she’s way cuter than we are):
We are not required to raise or donate a penny to this entire trip. But, we’re going to anyway, because we can. And, if you can help us, we’d be so very grateful. We’ll be hosting several fundraisers as a group in order to get us to our goal amount of $80,000 to get us all over there and get those homes built for these families in great need!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for any support you can give as we embark on this incredible journey! Click here to get us on our way.
The families we are building houses for!
Please let us know ASAP if you would like to drive your own car to Denver. If you are not driving your own car you are OK with us getting you to Denver. We are working on what transportation for the group to the Denver airport and back will be. On the Team tab at the top please mark RIDING WITH GROUP or TAKING OWN CAR. Thanks!
Added a Team tab at the top with team member info and travel plans.
Will be able to, and coming to the meeting tonight at Grace Church @ 6pm
Me messing around, I like legos. Let me know if you think of a good use for these. I can make more.
2nd team meeting next Saturday, March 12 at Grace Church from 6-8pm! We’ll cover what to pack and bring, travel logistics, fundraising, and it will be great to share a meal together and get to know each other more.
We couldn’t get our kids on camera so we did a dog voice over and sent it out to family. 😂 Hey fam,
We are going on a mission trip in April to build some homes for families in need in Mexico. We are doing some fundraising. If you would like to donate, we would appreciate it. We are going with a group of about 60, of all ages. You can donate online here – or Venmo @notsoboringbible
This is hysterical!!
I bought a bunch of these nails because I thought they looked cool and we could use them as some sort of money maker for fundraising, but I don’t know what exactly. Anyone have any good ideas?
What about as part of sharing with our churches? Or donation jars where we work where people could buy one!
They look much cooler painted gold. I’m thinking they need a ribbon or something tied on them with “Mission Trip 2022”
Em and I want to “sell” these at The Orchard in a few Sundays. Love them painted gold!
Here’s the finished product!
Happy Friday!!! Let’s get a chat going on here. What are you looking forward to the most on our trip?!?
I’m really excited for the people that haven’t experienced something like this to come back the way I did after it last year. Such a great group and team down there with Homes of Hope and YWAM!
Also, they said not to expect it and it doesn’t happen every house build, but last year the family we were building a house for made us lunch and it was sooo good and nice. Excited for real Mexican food!
The thing I’m going to like about it is I’m going to build a house for the very first time.
Bake sale at Crossroads Church on Sunday, March 13! Spread the word to any and all bakers. Who’s willing to make something? We need lots of goodies! 👨🍳 👩🍳
A lot of people have asked how much it actually costs per person. So if you are flying with the group it is $1,407/person and $1,017/person if you are meeting us there. You aren’t required to pay this amount, but I understand some of you would rather pay to cover your share and not fundraise. If you can’t or don’t want to pay that amount, no problem, it’s a group effort to fundraise and asking is the first step! God will provide, so I don’t want cost to be something that is daunting to you. Let us know if we can help during this individual fundraising time in February (sending letters, emails, social media) and we’ll have some group events to help raise money in March. Every bit helps!
I added a corporate sponsors section to the page if we know of any companies that want to help us!
Jeff sent over the logo from HayMax – what generosity!!!!
So awesome! Thank you guys! I’ve got the logo up, hopefully more companies will follow!
I really like this quote. It can seem like our fundraising goal is incredibly out of reach and asking someone to give just a little can feel pointless.
Add this page to your home screen to get back to it easier! Here’s what to do on an iPhone.
Here’s the link for the donation list! The individual amounts are removed, but you will still be able to see who gave and write thank you letters to people you know if you wish.
I will continue to update the donation list every morning!
I added a budget chart on the fundraising page if anyone asks how we got our fundraising goal. Also updated the fundraising number to $77,500!
A video Avery made to send out to friends and family. She’s so cute, how could they NOT donate??
We sent it along with this email:
Awesome! Love it!
Madeline’s fundraiser poster from Jeff’s brilliant idea of a Cat Wash! Design one of these flyers on your own and share!
Plane tickets booked! Thanks Emily! Excited for this trip!
This is going to be awesome! Last year’s group with Cornerstone.