Snake Pole
Who did the Lord tell to make a snake and put it on a pole so anyone bitten by a snake could look at it and live?
Who did the Lord tell to make a snake and put it on a pole so anyone bitten by a snake could look at it and live?
In the Desert of Zin, when there was no water for the Israelite community, how many times did Moses strike the rock before water came gushing out?
According to the Gospel of Mark, when Jesus was arrested and all his disciples fled, what happened to the young man, following him wearing nothing but a linen garment, when he was seized?
According to the Second Letter of Peter, what did God do to the angels who sinned?
Why did the Lord tell Moses He would not go with them on the way to the land flowing with milk and honey?
After King Nebuchanezzar had Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego throwning into the blazing furnace, how many men did he see in the fire?